Sunday, August 23, 2009

How To Make Money For Kids

How To Make Money For Kids

Generally the term "Kids" is used for the young people ranging from 6 to 17 years, younger than this is a "child" and older than the above mentioned "kids" age group are all adults. Lets focus on the "kids", many independent and non governmental organizations (NGOs) research revealed that most of young people, about 95%, are very keen to learn, as to how to make money for kids and issues surrounding money matters and improving their current as well as future financial status.

Interestingly, majority of the kids are
mainly concerned in more technical aspects regarding money issues, such as, debt management, mortgage / credit & advance and planning budgeting for current savings to have an efficient control over future expenditures.

Ways for Kids to Make Money

It's an good idea for you to get into the habit of taking control of money into your own hands, this is specially important for the budget planning, and an essential step toward ways for kids to make money. The end goal should be save as much money as you can. The simple thumb rule for this is to make sure you set the targets high and important to understand that "what comes IN should be greater than what goes OUT". In other words money you manage to put in to your pocket should be more than you spend.

For kids it's imperative to distinguish between, what's originally known as - two marketing term - "need" and "want". A need ca be a basic requirement like, food you eat or the cloths you wear. A need can also be directly proportional to what you do, for example, computer is need for a student, car is also a need. on the other hand, "want" is something you would like to have, a wish if you like, that is, you need a car, but at the same time 'Audi A3 Sportback'
can be your want!

Here are few easy ways for kids to make money:
  • Many Kids making money though the good old baby sitting & is one of the ways that can be very productive in terms of earning some dollars fast. We would specially recommend it if you like younger kids. Developing trust and making your "vip customers" dependent on you is a good idea to have a good long lasting relationships with kids' parents which will consequently end up in relatively fat - baby sitting tips.
  • Help your parents at home and volunteer with a happy face to do chores. It will earn you financial rewards without even asking for it.
  • Make you little 'business stand' where you can offer lemonade if there is a season for it or sell donuts, snacks and coffee etc. One kid make money only from this and contributed half the payment of mortgage with his dad, although it was for only one quarterly settlement, he makes his parents very proud.
  • Get together with few friends and offer car washing services in your neighbour hood, is another viable earning idea.
  • Love pets and animals? offer dog wash, walking dogs and other animal care taking services you can provide to the people at around your neighbourhood.
  • Offer lawn mowing and services like, watering plants, cutting extra grass, weeding & tiding-up, trimming, planting flowers, etc
  • gather few friends and at the time of winter offer folks to have their sidewalks and driveways shoveled cleaned from snow.
  • Ask somebody who likes to cook, preferably you mom to make chocolate chip cookies, hot chocolate cakes, donuts etc,and offer them for sale at nearby bakery / store.

Finally, if you're stuck & find it difficult to discover, as to how to make money for kids and new ways for kids to make money, than brainstorming can be great help. Consider these things, ask yourself question like, what can I do at home? and write down all the answers on a piece of paper, don't worry about writing sensible sentences at this stage, just put down what ever comes into your mind. May be you're good at arts & crafts, try making your
jewelry to sell or raking shelves etc.

Have a joyful money making expedition!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to Make Money for Kids - More Tips

As much as it would seem tricky and some what difficult to solve the problem of; How to Make Money for Kids? - the solution is ironically not only simple, it is something what your parents do every day, that is, going for work and earning money for you and other members of your family!

However, as we are living in a materialistic and ever expensive world, nowadays everybody needs money and you kids are definitely not an exception.

Presented below are some practical ideas for,
ow to make money for kids, that should be easy and simple to adopt.

Ways for Kids to make Money

Before getting into
ways for kids to make money, parents ought to educate their child for the importance of, something known as, PR - Public or Personal Relations. Training a child for developing excellent PR to all around the neighborhood and making yourself - if you are a kid - available to do some simple household work.
You can popularize your availability and even make advertisements & stick these fliers to every front door within your reach.

Here are some more ideas which can be applied to neighbors or the people you know.

These ideas may seem little odd or way too adventures to some kids, especially for those who are not used to it. But hey! there is always a first step to everything, so take it and believe me, this is from my own personal experience, when you'll be paid you'll feel very good!

Find out if there is an elderly couple living in your
neighborhood and got a reasonably good size yard. At first volunteer to mow their lawn for free or for ridiculously low fee, like glass of hot chocolate milk or something. Do a really good job make them feel you love these kind of things and as a matter of fact it's your dream to become a gardener when you grow up. make them depend on you and after some few mowings, one day when they call you to do the lawn, you tell them that you are hooked up to do mowing for somebody else and they are paying, for example, $25 $50 $100, depending on their lawn yard size. Just tell them to pay only one dollar more & you'll mow their lawn instead!

Make an inventory or if you don't know what the inventory is, just make a list of the things which are laying around the house for too damn long and nobody seems to care where they are. Of course, with the permission of your parents sell these things away. You'll be amazed how much you can earn only with that bit of idea. Childhood friends I knew bought very expensive video games and laptops computers only through that single earning.

Other very common tasks you can do that not only win your customers' hearts but also you'll end up with a very fat amounts of tip, that prompt you not to ask for a fee. Simple tasks like, car wash and polishing, babysitting (obviously that will include kids younger than you, it's best to take advise from a professional babysitter or better still, qualify for a babysit), shampooing dogs and taking them for a walk (just make sure you can handle or control the dog you're taking outside), taking care of the pets and looking after them when the owners, i.e., your
neighbors are out for work or on vacations. These are some additional excellent ideas for the fat pay back jobs.

But don't limit yourself out doors only on,
How to Make Money for Kids and ways for kids to make money, but also do some extra chores at home and negotiating the best deal from your parents, which will not only reap lots of financial rewards, it will also be beneficial for your personal and future growth.